How to Learn Faster

How to Learn Faster: 13 Scientifically Proven Learning Strategies

Studying essentially means learning how to learn faster. Here is this saying “Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy. You might know how to succeed and may not still be successful, So the faster you learn, the more successful you can be.
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How To Lean Faster, 13 Proven Fast Learning Strategies

  1. Use different modes of learning: According to science, they said, that different parts of the brain respond to or get stimulated by different types of media. So to say, you need to activate different areas of your brain, by using any of the different modes of learning that suit your brain to lean faster, which includes audio, visual or audio-visual,

2. Study Multiple Subjects Each Day: How do learn faster your subjects? assuming you are to write three subjects, Do you study only one subject each day? Actually, if you study only one subject for a longer time, the probability is that you may be confused by similar information. So it is better to read all three subjects in a day, than one subject a day. The reason is that when you spread out your study time for each subject, your brain will have more time to consolidate your learning.

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3. Revise Your Notes Periodically: Constant practising of your notes is necessary to be followed, There is this saying, that a good periodically revision is one of the effective ways to learn fast.

4. Try To Always Sit In The Front Of The Class: According to (Giles, 1982) Those who sit at the front are able to see the board more clearly and listen to the teacher more clearly as such those students tend to score high in their exams. Front benchers have to be sincere as the teachers are always nearby. This indirectly increases the concentration.

5. Always Try self-testing: Setting Quiz for yourself helps you to learn faster. Testing yourself through quizzes so you see what topics you still need to touch on again. For example, After you have read through or practised something, test your memory by reciting everything you just learned.

If you need to remember keywords or phrases, try writing down their definitions without looking them up. Make note of what you have trouble remembering so you can go back and practice it some more. That way, you are not wasting time focusing on things you already know well.
However, for example, if you are testing yourself on a particular subject, summarize everything that happened in your own words. Then check for any keywords at the end of the chapter and try to define them.

6. Teach The Information To Someone Else: After studying a particular subject, try to practice it by teaching another person helps you retain the main points and as such learn faster. By having one of your friends listen to you as you try to teach them the subject you have been learning. Trying to tell them everything you know in a clear and direct way so you do not confuse them. Ask them if they understand or if they need a better explanation. If you have trouble remembering certain points, make sure you go back to review them as well. Since you have to actively recall the information you are teaching.

However, it is advisable that you do not just passively read your textbook or your class notes. Study smart by quizzing yourself on the key concepts and equations. And as you prepare for a test, do as many practice questions as you can from different sources.

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7. Review the information periodically, instead of cramming: Records show that when you avoid cramming and rather engage in the frequent practice. Rather than trying to cram all of the information in a short amount of time, take your time learning. Always review information from your last practice session for a little while in the following session so you don’t forget about it. Since you are going over the information multiple times, it will be a lot easier to recall and improve your memory.

8. Always take a 5-minute Break Each Hour: According to Riga & Lleras,( 2015) taking regular study breaks enhances overall productivity and improves your focus. Your brain gets tired when you overload it with information. Always try to give yourself a few minutes every hour to rest and step away from what you are learning. Take the time to get up, stretch, and do something relaxing. At the end of your break, focus back on your studies with a clear mind. Since you have given your brain some time to relax, it will be easier for you to pick up on the information.

9. Regularly Exercise: Gives you a boost to your memory. Studies have shown that you have improved memory after doing aerobic exercises. It also helps increase your body’s production of a protein that supports how your brain cells grow and function. Try to get in about 20 minutes of exercise during the day to keep your body healthy and your brain stimulated. Since exercise stimulates your brain, you will have a lot better memory and learning ability.

10. Get More Sleep: It is on record that the brain processes your memories while you are asleep. Try to get a good night’s sleep in between your study sessions since it will help you retain the information better. Try to follow the same sleep schedule every day so it becomes routine. Keep your room cool and dark so you get the most restful sleep. Since sleep helps you form long-term memories, you’ll pick up that new skill or topic even faster.
You usually need around 7–9 hours of sleep every night.

11. Stop Multitasking: This is the act of trying to do various things or even too much at once. Multitasking makes you less productive, more distracted, and harder to learn. When it’s time for you to study, get in the zone and only work on one subject at a time. Try to avoid watching TV, checking your phone, or studying other material while you are learning since you will have a tougher time remembering the subject you want to focus on. Even though sometimes you might think you are learning more at once, you are more likely to get confused and have to go back to review the topics later on.

12. Take Handwritten Notes: For me taking handwritten notes helps more. This is because you will always have to remember something you have written down. If you are in a class, listen carefully to the lecture and jot down the keywords and phrases you hear. If you are learning something online or from a book, always try to rewrite what you read in your own words since that can help ingrain it better in your memory. That way, you will be able to recall it more quickly.

13. Prioritize Building Learning Habits: Big results are rarely made by massive action. They are created using small, consistent action habits. Now, this really has to do more with learning more than learning faster.
In the long run, however, your learning habits actually help you learn much more quickly.
Knowledge builds upon knowledge. The more you know, the more you will be able to learn.

If you wanted to build a learning habit of reading every morning, for example, the process would go like this:
Always put the book near your bed such that you will wake up seeing the book and easily grabbing it.

The fewer steps you need to get that book, the greater the chance of you studying and learning for at least to few hours.
You are not expected to read for 1 hour every day if you can not do it for 10 minutes every day. Establish a habit first before you improve it. Lastly, you want to track your habit by marking your Calendar immediately after reading. However, by creating your reading timetable you are not away from having a good learning habit too.

14. Learn How To Get The Best Learning Materials: Again, preparation shaves off a significant amount of learning time. People said you must learn how to get the best learning materials for your studying purpose.
Unless you instantly come up with a really, really great and well-written textbook that is easily understandable, you will still have to find another reference book for that subject.

However, I will always recommend you get recommendations from Quora. Quora is a question-and-answer website that allows people from all over the world to answer any questions you may have.

15. Connect what you are learning with something you already know: Study faster by connecting new concepts with the knowledge you already have. The Science of Successful Learning, according to a US scientists Henry Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel explain that the more strongly you relate new concepts to concepts you already understand, the faster you will learn the new information faster.

16. Drink At Least Eight Glasses Of Water Each day: Probably it sounds funny to you, but the truth is that drinking enough water will help you not to be dehydrated and to concreted, In fact, studies show that up to 75% of people are in a chronic state of dehydration. Dehydration is bad for your brain and your output too.

17. Always Eat Diets That Are Rich In Choline: Researchers from Boston University conducted a long-term study memory test on 1200 adults over a period of 9 years. Interestingly, they found that participants who had diets high in choline performed better on memory tests. Choline is the precursor to acetylcholine, which is essential for the formation of new memories.

Other Foods That Are High In Choline

  • Chicken and eggs (the egg yolk contains 90% of the total choline in the egg.
  • Lentils
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Almonds
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli

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